Tara Mitchell


Executive Director

To lead our client events and continually push our team, our processes, and our technology to be ahead of the curve, I draw on 20+ years of experience producing integrated marketing programs for media brands such as Wired, Mental Floss, The Week, and Fast Company. I am exceptionally good at creating the best event team possible and aligning individual skills with project needs. As the team whisperer, I always know what’s being worked on, what’s in the pipeline, and how to focus our collective team talent to turn challenges into opportunities. I take satisfaction in seeing our teams create repeat success for our clients.

I have built multiple longstanding event franchises including Fast Company’s annual SXSW activation, Innovation Uncensored, and the Innovation by Design Awards. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Weird thing I love about events: That moment in the middle of an event when you look around and revel in what you've created. And then you get back to work!


Rebecca Smith


Abby McNeely